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16 unit charging/carrying case
Sturdy case with hard foam interior and durable latches. Stores up to 16 receivers or portable tran..
4 unit charging/carrying case
Sturdy case with hard foam interior and durable latches. Stores up to 4 receivers or portable trans..
5W multichannel Radiator White or Grey
Outstanding coverage - 10,000 ft² (929 m²) Two (2) radiators can be powered from a single LT-82 tra..
8 unit charging/carrying case
Sturdy case with hard foam interior and durable latches. Stores up to 8 receivers or portable trans..
8 unit charging/storage station
Compact design - Reduces the hassle of storing receivers and charging batteries. Multiple unit stor..
Behind the head stereo Headphone
Behind-the-Head Microphone
Collar Microphone
Conference Microphone
Dipole antenna + mouting kit
Fixed 17channel transmitter (without batteries)
Superior audio quality 70 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), setting the industry’s sound quality stand..
Fixed transmitter (incl. PSU)
Secure wireless communication - ideal for applications where isolation of the signal is important U..
Hand Held Microphone
Lavalier microphone
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Divisie van SMITS BELGIUM EZ. BTW BE 0820.253.774