MICROPHONE >> PSM-900 - IN EAR SYSTEM (15-09-2011)
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Shure PSM-900 >> Nog tot 17 september aan € 949,-
Het nieuwste personal monitoring draadloos in-ear systeem van Shure is binnen, wij deden de test en kwamen tot de constatatie dat dit een ronduit schitterend systeem is: enkele van de voordelen:
- Audio kwaliteit en ontvangst is exeptioneel goed dankzij RF filtering en digitale stereo encoder
- Zeer robuust! De beltpack is volledig van metaal
- CueMode: misschien wel het grootste pluspunt: tot 20 aparte kanalen kunnen op de beltpack worden opgeslagen, de gebruiker kan nu zelf op de beltpack switchen tussen verschillende monitor mixen voor bvb drum, vocals, gitaar,...
- Gebruiksvriendelijk
- Prijs is ongezien voor dergelijke features
Speciale setprijs (zender + ontvanger) 1203 949€ (shu-p9tr - geldig tot 17/09/2011) |
Exceptional Audio Quality
- Enhanced digital stereo encoder provides a wider stereo field with exceptional separation, enhancing audio detail and clarity
- Patented Audio Reference Companding sounds more like wired
- Available with Shure SE425 Sound Isolating™ Earphones featuring dual high-definition MicroDrivers for accurate and balanced audio response
Robust RF Performance
- Precision front-end RF filtering, the same found in industry-leading UHF-R® wireless systems, significantly reduces RF interference for a cleaner, stronger RF signal, fewer dropouts, and less audible artifacts
- Exceptional transmitter linearity vastly reduces frequency intermodulation and allows up to 20 compatible channels per frequency range
- Auto RF gain control prevents signal distortion due to RF overload before it can affect performance
Category-leading Setup and Operation Features
- Patent-pending CueMode allows monitoring of different stage mixes and storing of up to 20 separate channels on one bodypack for quick and easy reference
- Front Panel RF mute switch for enabling or disabling RF transmission
- Use Scan and Sync to scan the RF environment with the bodypack and assign the identified group and channel to your system over wireless IR link
- MixMode® Technology allows the bodypack user to balance the level of two separate channels while simultaneously listening to both signals in both ears
- LCD menu with grouped menu items for easier user interface
Prijzen en info onder voorbehoud. BTW 21% inclusief.
Divisie van SMITS BELGIUM EZ. BTW BE 0820.253.774